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Tag Archives: barack obama

I’m under the impression that SMC is predominantly Democrat, but the Republican minority is very vocal about their views, as far as I’ve experienced.

John McCain claimed he wanted to go beyond “partisan rancor”, but everyone knows that in the end, John McCain will stand by the Republican Party, despite how many votes he makes that aren’t in the best interests of the Republican Party.

Barack Obama may be articulate and clean and a nice guy. People have used the generic ad hominem attacks: “His name rhymes with Osama, his middle name’s Hussein, he must be a terrorist!” But it goes beyond what his name is or what his background is. Obama may want the best interests for America, but so does John McCain.

George Washington warned about political parties two centuries ago, and eventually the statement imploded, as we see today.

So this 2008, don’t vote for Obama OR McCain – both candidates say “change” but which candidate will actually change America? Wait for 2012.